Monthly Archives: March 2015

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education and the Knowledge Economy”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education and the Knowledge Economy”

The above seminar was held on March 31st, 2015 in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS). The theme of the seminar was “Education and Knowledge Economy” and the speaker was Professor Eduardo Velez Bustillo. He is a former Sector Manager at the World Bank Headquarters and is currently an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown […]

Field Study in Washington, D.C. (Takeru NUMASAWA)

Field Study in Washington, D.C. (Takeru NUMASAWA)

In March 2015, I participated in a two-week field study held in Washington DC, USA under the supervision of Prof. Keiichi Ogawa. The field exercise lasted from 8th to 20th and was in two phases. The first phase involved attending the Comparative International Education Society (CIES 2015) and the second phase involved visiting the World […]

Field Study in Washington, D.C. (Katsuki SAKAUE)

Field Study in Washington, D.C. (Katsuki SAKAUE)

I participated in the overseas training in Washington, D.C. for two weeks from March 7 to 20, 2015. The overall purpose of attending the training is to deepen the knowledge related to my dissertation research topic, which is “role of private financing and primary education sub-sector development in Uganda,” as well as to build/maintain my […]