The 68th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), one of the world’s largest associations in the education field, was held from March 6 2024 to March 14 in Miami, Florida. More than 400 panels and oral sessions occurred during the conference, including online and in-person. Each session offered an opportunity for researchers and practitioners worldwide to discuss, exchange ideas, and expand networks.
From Ogawa seminar, one alumnus and four doctoral students delivered oral presentations and received insightful questions and valuable comments that will help us to develop our research. The following is a list of presenters from Ogawa Seminar (in alphabetical order).
- Danilo, L. D. “A comparison of policy practices in primary education between positive and negative outliers municipal education departments in Brazil.” The 68th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, 2024.
- Hata, A. “Reconceptualising Disability as Our Problem: Collaborative Critical and Dialogical Pedagogy in Inclusive Education drawing on Intersectionality.” The 68th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, 2024.
- Ishii, Y. “An Analysis of Intrahousehold Decision-Making on Children’s Schooling in Malawi Primary Education: Focused on Matrilocal and Patrilocal Farming Households.” The 68th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, 2024.
- Uno, K. “Analysis of Parental Choice on Pre-primary School in Meherpur Districts of
Bangladesh.” The 68th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, 2024.
- Yagi, A. “Effect of Universal Pre-primary Education on Pupil’s Development Outcomes: Evidence from EducationReform in Kenya.” The 68th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, 2024.

The next CIES is scheduled to be held at Chicago around the spring of 2025
Authored by Ayumu Yagi (Doctoral Student)
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