The 60th Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES) Annual Conference was held at Nagoya University, Japan, from June 28th to June 30th, 2024. This year’s conference included 12 roundtable sessions, 153 research presentations, a symposium, and two selected research projects. Additionally, there were book talks, an exchange meeting for young researchers, and a pre-anniversary event to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the JCES.
Professor Ogawa chaired the roundtable session on the theme of Comparative Research on SDGs and Education Administration and Finance. This roundtable focused on research from the following perspectives: (1) Ministry of Education, state and district boards of education, and school finances, (2) School autonomy and accountability, (3) Teacher policies and teacher allocation, (4) Learning environments, and (5) Inclusive education. Each presenter delivered their presentations on the case studies from Asia and Africa. Following the presentations, lively discussions were also held with the participants about how to ensure the quality and fairness of education in the future.
Professor Ogawa and Sakue, along with 14 students from the Ogawa-seminar, presented their research findings on the following topics. The topics, denoted by (E), are in English. (Alphabetical Order)
- 小川啓一「オセアニア小規模島嶼国における頭脳流出と教育の役割」第60回日本比較教育学会大会プログラム、24頁、2024年、(日本語)
- 坂上勝基「ウガンダ北部の長期化難民への初等教育支援に関する一考察」第60回日本比較教育学会大会プログラム、32頁、2024年、(日本語)
- 藤原真美「カンボジアにおける大学選択と社会関係資本―プノンペンとカンダール週での事例研究」第60回日本比較教育学会大会プログラム、33頁、2024年、(日本語)
- 上野利江「フィリピンの都市スラムにおける10代の妊娠に対する高校教員の認識と行動」第60回日本比較教育学会大会プログラム、46頁、2024年、(日本語)
- 石井雄大「マラウイ初等教育における母親の世帯内意思決定が児童の就学に与える影響―妻方居住と夫方居住に焦点を当ててー」第60回日本比較教育学会大会プログラム、39頁、2024年、(日本語)
- 柴田菜摘「ラオスにおける幼児期の親の関与が認知・非認知能力の発達に与える影響」第60回日本比較教育学会大会プログラム、31頁、2024年、(日本語)
- Hyet Myet Aung “Analysis of Contextual Factors and School Factors on the Academic Achievement of Grade 5 Student in Myanmar” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.50, 2024. (E)
- Keiichi Ogawa “Comparative Research on SDGs and Education Administration and Finance (Chair)” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.22, 2024. (E)
- Kohei Uno “The Impact of Pre-Primary School Attendance on Early Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skill Development in Bangladesh: Advancing Equity Through Unlocking Its Potential” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.41, 2024. (E)
- Mubin Khan Afridi “Understanding the Perceptions of Parents and Teachers on the New Curriculum Framework 2021 of Bangladesh” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.41, 2024. (E)
- Nakyung Kim “The Influence of Mother’s Empowerment and Children’s Education in Uganda Primary Education” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.34, 2024. (E)
- Noa Yokogawa “Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Vocational School Choice: Evidence from Indonesia” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.41, 2024. (E)
- Rakibul Hassan “Influence of Parental Involvement on Children’s Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Skills in Bangladesh: Moderating Role of Family Socioeconomic Status (SES)” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.33, 2024. (E)
- Ryuto Minami “How Does Armed Conflict Affect Children’s Access to Education in Nigeria?: Evidence from Household Survey Data and Geographic Information System” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.34, 2024. (E)
- Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam “Household Factors and Their Influence on the Foundational Learning Skills of Primary School Students: The Case of Bangladesh” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.33, 2024. (E)
- Siyu Lyu “Analysis of Education Technology on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Cambodia” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.50, 2024. (E)
- Takumi Koike “The Influence of Classroom Environment on Learning Achievement in Cambodian Secondary Education” Proceedings of the 60th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference, p.41, 2024. (E)
The next JCES conference will be held at Teikyo University.
Authored by Yudai Ishii (Doctoral student)
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