Dr. Shinsaku Nomura is a Senior Economist at the Education Global Practice in the World…
Message to Potential Students: After spending two years as Associate Professor at GSICS, Kobe University,…
Message to Potential Students: I am currently working at the World Bank. My career at…
Dr. Mari Shojo is a Senior Education Specialist with the Education Global Practice of the…
Message to Potential Students: After spending two years as Associate Professor at GSICS, Kobe University,…
TBA Profile World Bank Invited Workshop in Romania
Message to Potential Students: Choose Ogawa Seminar not only opens doors to education, to developing…
Message to Potential Candidates to Ogawa Seminar I watched a movie about the lives in…
Message to Potential Candidates to Ogawa Seminar: One of the best decisions I have made…
Message to Potential Candidates to Ogawa Seminar I believe that attending in Ogawa Seminar is…
Message to Potential Candidates to Ogawa Seminar I approached this seminar with a fervent desire…
Message to Potential Candidates to Ogawa Seminar To learn about education statistics and education economics,…