Internship at Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda (Momoko KISHI)
In the summer I had the opportunity of conducting internship in the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) in Uganda from August 23rd to October 6th, 2014. I was attached...
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), Kobe University
I went to Nairobi, Kenya from 28th March to 27th June, 2014 with a purpose was to collect secondary data and supplementary information which could be available for my dissertation. Before going to Kenya, I already had several household surveys, but I went to explore the possibility of finding better data sets or covering the shortcomings of the data sets I had. Although the initial schedule was planned fora short stay, I could stay longer, thanks to Ryo-so research grant provided by GSICS.
During my stay in Nairobi, I searched the possibility of getting necessary information with great assistance from Mr. Likoye from Kenyatta University, and Dr. Moses from African Population Health Research Centre (APHRC). In order to get better results of my research on effects of education on social mobility in Kenya, I was searching for (1) individual’s wage information and (2) school information. The census which has wage information was not available for public. I also learned that it might be difficult to match wage information from other data sources. On the contrary, I was able to get school baseline surveys data which is possible for merging with the household survey I had.
Since this research trip was not tight in schedule, I was planning to visit as many institutions as possible. However, due to security reason in Nairobi, I had to limit my sphere of action.Even though I was a bit sad that I could not move around freely, it also allowed me to have more time to read documents, to analyze data, and to revise my proposal.
Finally, I would like to thank Prof. Ogawa for supporting this research trip, and research collaborators in Nairobi. I also would like to thank my graduate school which provided me the research grant.
Doctoral Student