On May 26 2014, the development management policy seminar on “Investing on Human Development for Rural Development in Lao PDR”was held in the Kobe University’s GSICS Main Conference Room on May 26th, 2014 and was chaired by Prof. Keiichi Ogawa. The seminar was divided into two parts namely; “Human Resources Development in Countryside of Lao PDR, Design and Activities of the Association to Support the Development of Peasant Societies (ASDPS)”; and “Sustainable Use of Natural Resources for Generating Income and Environment Protection in Lao PDR, Case of Biodiversity”. The first part was presented by Dr. SisaliaoSvengsuksa who is a member of the National Assembly in Lao PDR and president of ASDPS. The second part was presented by Dr. BouakhaykhoneSvengsuksa, a Former Dean at National University of Laos.
Dr. Sisaliao Svengsuksa presented the historical overview of Lao PDR, the economic policy potential and instruments put in place by ASDPS for sustainable development. In addition, he explained how the rural population in Lao PDR has increased its productivity and established a foundation for sustainable rural development. He highlighted some specific activities conducted by the ASDSP, including vocational training and funding through microfinance for the peasants. ASDSP’s activities have succeeded in facilitating peasants’ socio-economic development in an environment-friendly way. After his very informative presentation, Dr. Svengsuka responded to question from members present.
Dr. Bouakhaykhone Svengsuksaon her part presented about the current biodiversity components being used by people in Lao PDR. She also shared some practices for sustainable use of biodiversity and for generating income for villagers. According to her, people in Lao PDR are generating income by utilizing the diverse bio resources. She mentioned the existence of a training program under which peasants can learn how to use the resources effectively and sustainably. At the end of her presentation, Dr. Bouakhaykhone likewise responded to questions from students present.
Overall, the seminar was an excellent opportunity for students present to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of some of the key issues regarding rural development in developing countries from the view point of rural Lao PDR.
By Jeje Moses Okurut
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