Message from Dr. Shiro NAKATA
Dear all the candidates to Ogawa seminar, It is my pleasure to send a message to introduce my experience in Ogawa seminar. I graduated from a master’s course in GSICS...
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), Kobe University
The Campus Asia Plus Program’s short-term training program at National University of Laos was held from August 21 to September 17, 2023. In this year, the program included not only Kobe University students but also students from Fudan University in China and Korea University in South Korea. During the first week, the participants attended intensive lectures at the National University of Laos and deepened their knowledge of the Laotian economy from macro and micro perspectives. During the second and third weeks, they did an internship at the Ministry of Education and Sports, which included visits to various departments of the Ministry of Education and Sports, as well as international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, and JICA to hear about the latest educational issues in Laos and their efforts to solve them. In the fourth week, we participated in fieldwork organized by SIVIO, a student international cooperation organization, and conducted fieldwork at six public elementary schools in Kasi, Vientiane prefecture.
Through this program, we were able to deepen our understanding of the current state of education in Laos, which was not clear from previous research. Based on the experience of this training program, I will devote myself to research so that I can contribute to solving educational issues in Laos.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Professor Keiichi Ogawa for his great support from application to participation in this program and research guidance, to the professors of the National University of Laos who gave us lectures, to Mr. Anoupheng Keovongsa, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Education and Sports Planning Department, who accepted our internship at the Ministry of Education and Sports in Lao PDR, and to our coordinators. Especially, Mr. Vongvilay Sounthavong and Mr. Ninthala Khanthavysouk, Ministry of Education officials, Mr. Masato Nakahara, Assistant Professor of Campus Asia Office, Ms. Mikiko Bothra Osaka, members of SIVIO, an international cooperation organization for students supporting education in Lao PDR. Furthermore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved in this program, including Ms. Nounee Ouloth, Mr. Bee Xaythanit, and Ms. Ketmany Onxayvieng, who worked as interpreters for us.
Authored by Ryosuke Sueda (M1 student)