The 17th Africa Educational Research Forum (AERF) was held in Nagoya University’s Graduate School of International Development (GSID) on April 22-23, 2016, and the theme of the forum was “Literacy and skills development in Africa”. More than 40 researchers participated in the forum and the researchers from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) also presented in […]
Internship at FHI360 in the United States (Jun XU)
It has been my great pleasure to have such an opportunity to attend the Kobe Visiting Scholar program at FHI 360 for six weeks to gain a better understanding of the international education sector and to contribute to work in a meaningful and substantive way. FHI 360 is a non-profit human development organization dedicated to […]
Internship at FHI360 in the United States (Yaqiong WANG)
During six weeks from February 5th to March 18th 2016, I conducted an internship at FHI 360 in Washington D.C.. During the internship, I was attached to the department of Global Education under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Luke who is the senior program director. I participated in the work of Kosovo Basic Education Program, […]
Internship at FHI360 in the United States (Xiaodong MENG)
I conducted a 6-week overseas internship at FHI 360 Office in Washington DC, USA from February 8th to March 18th, 2016. FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in sustainable and measurable ways from 360°response, 360°partnership and 360°evidence approaches.During the internship, I initiated work with the Haiti Project Team, and […]
Prof. Ogawa’s Seminar Students and Alumni Presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society
The 60th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) was held at Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, Canada, from March 6 to 10, 2016. The conference was hosted by the Faculty of Education and its Comparative Education Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong, with the theme of “Six Decades of […]
CAMPUS Asia Symposium at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand (Xiaoxiao JIA)
On November 19, 2015, I presented my paper in the CAMPUS Asia Symposium held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of the symposium was “Challenges and Prospects on Higher Education Cooperation in East Asia”. This symposium was jointly sponsored by Kobe University, Korea University, Fudan University and Chulalongkorn University, and with the supports […]
Internship at UNESCO Beijing Office (Xiaoxiao JIA)
I worked as an intern at UNESCO Beijing Office from July 27th until October 27th. During the period of my internship, I assisted the program specialist as well as my colleagues in a variety of works, from which I gained a lot of experiences and skills that might be beneficial to my future study and […]
Professor Keiichi Ogawa’s Graduate Students Presented in The 16th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) at Seoul National University in Korea
The 16th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) at Seoul National University in Korea was held at Seoul National University from October 14th to 16th, 2015. The conference that lasted three days had over 500 participants from various institutions, including world class professors, scholars and researchers with, over 160 presentations including; Workshops, Keynote speeches and […]
Field Research in Uganda (Takeru NUMASAWA)
From September 3rd to October 8th 2015, I conducted field research in Uganda, with a purpose of studying teacher absenteeism in public primary schools. While I stayed in Uganda, I was allowed to study at Makerere University. Dr. Wokadala is one of the Ph.D. alumni of Professor Ogawa Seminar and currently works as the Head […]
Overseas Study in Uganda and Malawi (Takeru NUMASAWA)
From September 22nd to October 4th, I participated in overseas study in Uganda and Malawi under the supervision of Professor Yasuharu Shimamura. We had three achievements in Uganda namely; interviewing JICA Kampala Office; observing Terra Renaissance’s activities; and visiting JICA’s project sites in Northern region. In Malawi, we conducted two activities namely; interviewing JICA Malawi […]