Development Management Policy Seminar “Designing, Commissioning and Managing Influential Evaluations: Focused on Education Sector”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Designing, Commissioning and Managing Influential Evaluations: Focused on Education Sector”

On June 16th 2015, a seminar titled“Designing, Commissioning and Managing Influential Evaluations: Focused on Education Sector” was held at the main conference room of Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS). The speaker was Dr. Albert Byamugisha, the commissioner Monitoring and Evaluation in the Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda. Dr. Jun Kawaguchi, […]

Development Management Policy Seminar on “Education Policy and Strategic Planning in Cambodia

Development Management Policy Seminar on “Education Policy and Strategic Planning in Cambodia

On June 10th, 2015, a Development Management Policy Seminar on “Education Policy and Strategic Planning in Cambodia” was conducted in the main conference room in Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS). His Excellency Sothea Lim, Director General of Policy and Planning at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MOEYS) in Kingdom […]

Development Management Policy Seminar “Benefit Sharing in the Mekong River Basin: Beyond the risk in water resources management”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Benefit Sharing in the Mekong River Basin: Beyond the risk in water resources management”

In June 9th, 2015, a seminar on development management policy focusing on “Benefit Sharing in the Mekong River Basin” was held in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) at Kobe University. Professor Seungho Lee from the Graduate School of International Study at Korea University was invited to deliver a lecture on this topic. […]

Overseas Internship Seminar: Programs for International Cooperation

Overseas Internship Seminar: Programs for International Cooperation

Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) held an overseas internship seminar under the theme on “Programs for International Cooperation”. The date of the seminar was Tuesday 9th June 2015 and the venue was 4th floor presentation room in GSICS building. It was chaired by Prof. Keiichi Ogawa and the presenters were (in […]

We, Ogawa Seminar Students Cerebrated Professor Ogawa’s Birthday

We, Ogawa Seminar Students Cerebrated Professor Ogawa’s Birthday

On May 26th, 2015, Ogawa seminar students organized a belated surprised birthday party for our Academic Advisor, Professor Keiichi Ogawa. The party was held in the Presentation Room in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) Building, and more than 25 doctoral, masters and research students cerebrated Professor Ogawa’s birthday. When Professor Ogawa entered […]

Career Seminar “Why Did I Choose My Career in Politics as an Alumnus of GSICS? How Can I Engage in International Cooperation, Making Use of My Career in Politics?”

Career Seminar “Why Did I Choose My Career in Politics as an Alumnus of GSICS? How Can I Engage in International Cooperation, Making Use of My Career in Politics?”

Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) held a career seminar in May 30th 2015. The speaker was Mr. Hiroaki Saito, who is currently a Member in Japan’s House of Representatives and an alumni of GSICS. The title of the seminar was “Why Did I Choose My Career in Politics as an Alumnus […]

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education and the Knowledge Economy”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education and the Knowledge Economy”

The above seminar was held on March 31st, 2015 in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS). The theme of the seminar was “Education and Knowledge Economy” and the speaker was Professor Eduardo Velez Bustillo. He is a former Sector Manager at the World Bank Headquarters and is currently an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown […]

Development Management Policy Seminar: Human Resources Development and Labor Market Analysis in Uganda

Development Management Policy Seminar: Human Resources Development and Labor Market Analysis in Uganda

On Tuesday 24th February 2015, the above seminar was held in the main conference room of Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies. The speaker was Professor Eria Hisali from Makerere University, Uganda and the title of his presentation was “Human Resources Development and Labor Market Analysis in Uganda.” Professor Hisali’s presentation was structured […]

Development Management Policy Seminar “Global Education Targets Post 2015: Priorities, Policies, and Politics”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Global Education Targets Post 2015: Priorities, Policies, and Politics”

The above seminar was held on February 6th, 2015 in the main conference room of the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) building. The speaker was Dr. Aaron Benavot who is the Director of UNESCO’s Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR 2015). His lecture was titled; “Global Education Targets Post 2015: Priorities, […]

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Seminar #4 on “Education Finance/Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries”

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Seminar #4 on “Education Finance/Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries”

Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) held its fourth seminar focused on “Education Finance/Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries” on December 8th and 9th, 2014. This seminar consisted of the following six sessions: 1) Education Finance in Chinese and Korean Experience for Other Countries; 2) Finance and Administration in Basic Education; […]