Development Management Policy Seminar “Education and the Knowledge Economy”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education and the Knowledge Economy”

The above seminar was held on March 31st, 2015 in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS). The theme of the seminar was “Education and Knowledge Economy” and the speaker was Professor Eduardo Velez Bustillo. He is a former Sector Manager at the World Bank Headquarters and is currently an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown […]

Development Management Policy Seminar: Human Resources Development and Labor Market Analysis in Uganda

Development Management Policy Seminar: Human Resources Development and Labor Market Analysis in Uganda

On Tuesday 24th February 2015, the above seminar was held in the main conference room of Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies. The speaker was Professor Eria Hisali from Makerere University, Uganda and the title of his presentation was “Human Resources Development and Labor Market Analysis in Uganda.” Professor Hisali’s presentation was structured […]

Development Management Policy Seminar “Global Education Targets Post 2015: Priorities, Policies, and Politics”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Global Education Targets Post 2015: Priorities, Policies, and Politics”

The above seminar was held on February 6th, 2015 in the main conference room of the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) building. The speaker was Dr. Aaron Benavot who is the Director of UNESCO’s Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR 2015). His lecture was titled; “Global Education Targets Post 2015: Priorities, […]

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Seminar #4 on “Education Finance/Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries”

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Seminar #4 on “Education Finance/Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries”

Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) held its fourth seminar focused on “Education Finance/Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries” on December 8th and 9th, 2014. This seminar consisted of the following six sessions: 1) Education Finance in Chinese and Korean Experience for Other Countries; 2) Finance and Administration in Basic Education; […]

The 25th Japan Society for International Development (JASID) Annual Meeting

The 25th Japan Society for International Development (JASID) Annual Meeting

The 25th Japan Society for International Development (JASID) Annual Meeting was held at Chiba University in Japan from November 29 to 30, 2014. From Ogawa seminar, Prof. Keiichi Ogawa and two of his students, Mr. Masahito Motokawa and Ms. Meng Xiaodong participated in this annual meeting. During the council meeting, Professor Ogawa was inaugurated as […]

Development Management Policy Seminar on “Skills Development in Bangladesh: Findings from Tracer Study”

Development Management Policy Seminar on “Skills Development in Bangladesh: Findings from Tracer Study”

Development Management Policy Seminar on “Skills Development in Bangladesh: Findings from Tracer Study”was held in Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) on November 25th, 2014. The speaker was Dr. Shiro Nakata who is an Education Consultant for the World Bank. In his presentation, Dr. Nakata gave an overview of the significant socio-economic […]

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Seminar #3 on “International Education Development and Cooperation in the Post 2015″

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Seminar #3 on “International Education Development and Cooperation in the Post 2015″

Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) has been implementing the Japan Society for Promotion Science’s (JSPS) Core-to-Core Program (Asia-Africa Science Platforms) on “Study on Education Finance and Administration: A Sustainable Program to Nurture Young Researchers (Coordinator: Prof. Keiichi Ogawa)” since April 2014. On October 31st, GSICS held the third seminar focused on […]

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education, Conflict and Peace Building: Re-envisioning Education in Post-conflict Societies”

Development Management Policy Seminar “Education, Conflict and Peace Building: Re-envisioning Education in Post-conflict Societies”

The above seminar was held October 23th 2014 under the theme “Education, Conflict and Peace Building: Re-envisioning Education in Post-Conflict Societies.” It was held in the main conference room of Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, and the speaker was Dr. Tejandra Pherali, a Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Education at the […]

Development Management Policy Seminar: Roles of the International Task Force on Teachers for EFA (Education for All) and the Partnership with Kobe University

Development Management Policy Seminar: Roles of the International Task Force on Teachers for EFA (Education for All) and the Partnership with Kobe University

The above seminar was held on Tuesday 12th August 2014 and the title of the presentation was “Roles of the International Task Force on Teachers for EFA (Education for All) and the Partnership with Kobe University”. The seminar was held in the Main Conference Room of Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), […]

Career Seminar on International Organization “UNESCO (Task Force on Teachers)”

Career Seminar on International Organization “UNESCO (Task Force on Teachers)”

On August 12th, 2014, the “Career Seminar on International Organization “UNESCO (Task Force on Teachers)” was held in the Main Conference Room in Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS). The seminar was delivered by Dr. Hiromichi Katayama, who is a GSICS Alumni and Project Officer at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. […]