Welcome Party for New Students

Welcome Party for New Students

Ogawa Seminar held a welcome party on April 19th 2014, for Prof. Ki-Soek Kim and the new Masters and Research Students.Prof. Ogawa welcomed Prof. Kimand his wife, and the new master and research students to the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) at Kobe University in general and to Ogawa Seminar in particular. Prof. […]

Dr. Aiko Sakurai’s Farewell Party

Dr. Aiko Sakurai’s Farewell Party

We had a farewell party for Dr. Aiko Sakurai in a BBQ Restaurant near JRRokkomichi on April 16, 2014.Dr. Sakurai is not only an Associate Professor in GSICS and has worked for CAMPUS Asia Project, but also Ogawa seminar’s alumni (she was the first doctoral student who obtained a Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor […]

Prof. Keiichi Ogawa Delivers a Speech at the University of Pittsburgh

Prof. Keiichi Ogawa Delivers a Speech at the University of Pittsburgh

Professor Keiichi Ogawa was invited by Professor Louis Comfort, Director of Center for Disaster Management at the University of Pittsburgh to participate in an international workshop on “Building Community Resilience to Global Hazards: A Sociotechnical Approach”held on April 4-5, 2014. In this workshop, Professor Ogawa shared the experience of CAMPUS Asia Project that highlights what […]

Ogawa-seminar Graduation Party, March 2014

Ogawa-seminar Graduation Party, March 2014

The above captioned party was held on Wednesday 26th March 2014 in a BBQ restaurant near Kobe University, to celebrate with thirteen new graduates who studied under Professor Ogawa’s seminar. Specifically, two students received doctoral degrees and 11 received master’s Degrees. More than twenty Ogawa seminar’s students, including new graduates participated in this dinner. During […]