Ms. Yuki Haramoto is a Manager at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC, working as a business…
I am currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Policy and Leadership at the University…
More Information: Hello everyone, my name is Duangchay INKEO. I am from Laos. currently I…
Messages to Potential Students: It was an honor and a great opportunity to obtain scholarship…
Ms. Rie OKUDA is a Doctoral Student in the Graduated School of International Cooperation Studies…
Mr. Bin Terashima is the president of Binz Education Research Institute and an executive board…
Ms. Khanam Zohra is an assistant Professor, English at Govt. Teachers’ Training College, Khulna in…
Message to Potential Students: Currently working at a Japanese IT firm, I'm an expat to…
Mr. Kosuke Iimura is a Manager at Fujitsu Vietnam, leading government projects in Vietnam. Active…
Ms. Mami Fujiwara is currently a doctoral student at Kobe University’s Graduate School of International…
Ms. Mami Fujiwara is currently a doctoral student at Kobe University’s Graduate School of International…
Mr. Kohei Uno is currently a Doctoral Student at Kobe University’s Graduate School of International…