The Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) is one of the most prominent international academic conferences focusing on the scholarly field of Comparative Education in Asia. The 13th iteration of the biennial conference was held this year from 24th to 26th November 2023 in Hiroshima, Japan, with more than 400 participants from all over the world. The biennial conference returns to Japan for the second time after nearly 27 years, since starting its journey in the same country.
From the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) of Kobe University, along with Professor Keiichi Ogawa and Associate Professor Katsuki Sakaue, there were a total of 25 students who participated and presented their research at the conference. The following are the names of the presenters and their research titles:
- Ogawa, K., Ezaki, N., & Uno, K. Analysis of Differences in Teaching-Learning Process in Mongolian Lower Secondary Schools. (O)
- Sakaue, K. The Role of Education in the Integration of Refugees in Uganda” – Associate Professor Katsuki Sakaue. (O)
- Aung, H. M. Analysis of Student and School-related Factors on Learning Outcomes in Myanmar. (O)
- Dalmon, D. L., & Ogawa, K. A Comparison of post-Pandemic Recovery Practices for Primary Student Learning Achievement by two Municipalities in Brazil. (O)
- Ishii, Y. An Analysis of Maternal Decision-making on Children’s Schooling in Malawi Matrilineal and Patrilineal Ethnic Groups. (O)
- Minami, R. Examining Household Expenditure on Secondary Education in Cambodia. (O)
- Uchiyama, K. Analysis of the Association among Household Environments, Preschool Environments, and School Readiness in Ghana. (O)
- Ueno, R. The Role of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in the Context of Unwanted Pregnancy among Adolescents in Urban Slums of the Philippines – A Case Study in Tondo District, Manila. (O)
- Uno, K. Effect of Play-based Learning on Early Skill Development and Exploring Teacher’s Perception of It in Bangladesh. (O)
- Yagi, A. Does the Universal Pre-primary Education Policy Reduce the Burden on Kenyan Households? (O)
- Afridi, M. K. Students’ perception on the impact of international cooperation in higher education on employability: A study on the public universities of Bangladesh. (P)
- Fujiwara, M. Socio-cultural Barriers to Higher Education Enrollment in Cambodia. (P)
- Furutani, Y. Community Participation and Learning Achievement in Kenyan Primary Education: Focus on Learning Inequality in Gender and Family Socio-Economic Status. (P)
- Guo, R. Influences of Private Tutoring and Teacher Quality on Academic Achievement in Cambodia Secondary Education. (P)
- Hassan, R. Digital Inclusion in Smart Bangladesh: Are the Transgender Ready with Their Digital Literacy? (P)
- Hiraoka, S. Examining the Relationship of the Qualification Standards and Labor Market Outcomes in Laos. (P)
- Hirose, M. Caregivers’ Involvement and Early Child’s Literacy- numeracy, and Socioemotional Development in Mongolia. (P)
- Islam, S. R. B. Integration of Digital Learning in Universities of Bangladesh as The Means of Resilience and Rebuilding of Education. (P)
- Ji, X. A Study of Demand-side Factors Affecting Primary Students’ Decision to Dropout in Malawi.
- Kobayashi, T. The Relationship between Community and Parental Participation and Learning Outcomes in Ugandan Primary Education: An Examination of Cultural Capital Differences. (P)
- Muleta, M. B. Empirical Analysis of Internal Efficiency of Public Primary Schools in Ethiopia. (P)
- Ogura, N. The Analysis of Early Childhood Reading and Parental Involvement on Cognitive Skills Development in Viet Nam. (P)
- Sara, T. The determinants of children’s foundational learning skills in Zimbabwe. (P)
- Shibata, N. An Analysis of Parental Perception on Children’s School Readiness in Lao PDR. (P)
- Shimabe, K. Pre-primary Education Contribute to Equity in Education? Duration of Pre-primary Education Experiences and Academic Achievement in Ugandan Primary Education. (P)
- Sreymech, H. An Analysis of Teacher Quality and Student Learning Achievement for Primary School in Cambodia. (P)
(O = Oral Presentation; P = Poster Presentation)
The CESA 2023 conference provided all the participants from the GSICS of Kobe University a great opportunity to interact and foster relationships with international scholars as well as to learn from each other in the field of Comparative Education. Subsequently, it has encouraged the participants to engage in the comparative study of educational systems, traditions, and practices throughout Asia and beyond.
Authored by Sheikh Rashid Bin ISLAM
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