The Comparative International and Education Society (CIES) Conference is the largest international conference in the Comparative Education field. This year, it occurred in Minneapolis, United States between April 18th and 22nd, with part of the program being online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It had many sections with presenters from Japanese universities and international organizations, such as UNESCO and UNICEF.
From Kobe University GSICS, Assistant Professor Sakaue presented his work on the “Determinants of access to learning opportunities among primary school-aged children amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Uganda”. In addition to that, three students from Professor Ogawa’s Seminar presented their work:
- Dalmon, D. L. Can Municipal Government Practices influence Primary Education Student Achievement in Brazil?
- Yagi, A. Determinants of Household Expenditure on Pre-primary Education in Kenya: An Analysis Using Heckman’s Two-Part Model
- Uno, K. Analysis of Demand-site Factors on Access to Pre-primary Education in Bangladesh
This conference was an interesting opportunity to learn about many different topics, even with the limitation of attending only the online sections. I was able to watch presentations about mapping remote schools using satellite technology, the development of new standardized assessments for socioemotional competencies, monitoring data about vocational programs, new perspectives of the effect from the pandemic on students and teachers, and many programs to improve instruction and policy. Also, I was able to meet researchers and practitioners that I am in contact with to improve my network. I hope more students are able to present at next year’s conference.
Authored by Danilo Dalmon (doctoral student)
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