The 57th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference was virtually held at University of Tsukuba between June 25th (Fri) and 26th (Sun), 2021. In the conference, there were 13 roundtable sessions, 34 presentation sessions, an open symposium and 2 selected research sessions.
Professor Ogawa chaired the session on the Middle East region on the second day, and also gave two presentations. The first was a joint research project with Professor Chikada and Professor Yamanouchi, concerning the challenges in teaching graduate students under COVID-19 era. The second is titiled “Analysis of Teacher Deployment and In-Service Training in Early Childhood Education in Lao PDR,” joint research with Mr. Masaya Noguchi, a doctoral student in Ogawa Seminar.
From the Ogawa seminar, 8 students and alumni presented in research presentation sessions. The following is the list (Alphabetical order)
- Minami, R. “Exploring Factors Promoting Parent’s Engagement in Early Childhood Education: The Case of Cambodia.”
- Nakata, S. “Effects of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) on Job Market Outcomes: Impact Evaluation in Bangladesh.”
- Ogawa, K. & Noguchi, M. “Analysis of Teacher Deployment and In-Service Training in Early Childhood Education in Lao PDR.”
- K. “Home Learning Environment for Early Childhood Development Outcomes in Bangladesh.”
- 坂上勝基. 「途上国における難民を包摂する初等教育政策下の児童の学力の決定要因 ―ウガンダ北部を事例として―」
- 島田健太郎. 「ケニアにおける教育の経済的便益の変化について ―2005年と2015年の教育収益率の比較より―」
- 近田政博、山内乾史、小川啓一. 「コロナ禍において外国教育研究を行う大学院生に対する研究指導上の課題」
- 利根川佳子. 「ミャンマーにおけるインクルーシブ教育 ―視覚障害のある子どもの中等教育を事例に―」
Authored by Ayumu Yagi
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