As one of the “World Bank and the Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) series, on December 28th, 2021, Dr. Albert Byamugisha, senior technical advisor Uganda prime minister’s office gave a lecture on the theme “World Bank support in Africa:Case of Uganda. Dr Byamgisha introduced following five key supports from the World Bank in Sub-Saharan Africa; (1) […]
Professor Ogawa’s lecture open the series about the World Bank and the Sustainable Development Goals
Professor Keiichi Ogawa organized the series of lectures on the topic of World Bank (WB) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first lecture, by him, was on December 19th. In his lecture, he presented the organization of the World Bank Group, described how it works to help the achievement of the SDGs, and also […]
Publication of Book Chapter in the Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning
The new book called Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning, edited by professor Carol-Ann Lane from the University of Toronto, in Canada, includes one chapter authored by Professor Ogawa and Dr. Jahangir Alam, who graduated from the University of Kobe, and Sheikh Islam. The title is Discrete Primary Education […]
Ogawa Seminar students received the “Excellent Poster Presentation Encouragement Award” at the 32nd JASID Annual Conference
The 32nd Japan Society for International Development (JASID) Annual Conference was held virtually on Saturday. November. 20th and Sunday. November. 21st, 2021. There were 30 sessions in total including 7 sessions in English, which were conducted virtually in real time; a plenary session, a special session organized by the Executive Committee and other sessions on the […]
Jude (Linghui Zhu), at the World Bank publishes about deindustrialization in the Journal of Globalization and Development
The Journal of Globalization and Development recently published a paper authored by Jude (Linghui Zhu), currently a doctoral student, and his colleagues at the World Bank titled “Does Premature Deindustrialization Matter? The Role of Manufacturing versus Services in Development”. The paper is available on the journal’s website in this link. This paper is motivated to […]
Dr. Sanfo and Professor Ogawa publish an analysis of primary education in Burkina Faso in the Journal of Social Education Research
In the latest issue of the Journal of Social Education Research, Dr. Sanfo (graduated in 2020 from Kobe University) and Professor Ogawa published a paper titled: Explaining Gold-Mining and Non-Gold Mining Areas’ Inequalities in Learning Achievements in Burkina Faso’s Primary Education: A Decomposition Analysis. The paper is freely available on the journal’s website in this […]
The 18th International Education Department Forum at the University of Tsukuba
The 18th International Education Department Forum (IEDF) was held at the University of Tsukuba on November 5th and 6th, 2021. This forum was an annual academic gathering for international and Japanese participants, including professors and graduate students from 12 invited universities. IEDF’s founding fathers, including Professor Keiichi Ogawa, had put together this academic platform to […]
Ogawa Seminar student received the “Excellent Research Presentation Award” at the 28th Japan Society for Africa Educational Research Conference
The 28th Japan Society for Africa Educational Research (JSAER) Conference was held virtually at Hyogo University of Teacher Education on October 9th (Sat) and 10th (Sun), 2021. At this conference, 13 researchers and practitioners presented their work. From the Ogawa seminar, one alumnus, two doctoral students, and three master students presented their research. Among them, […]
Professor Ogawa’s Seminar International Field Study – Fall 2021 Edition
From September 12th to 30th, Professor Keiichi Ogawa will provide the Fall 2021 edition of the International Field Study course. Because of the new coronavirus pandemic, the course will be online. This course is an important opportunity for Kobe University students to connect to experts in many different fields, as well as to dive into […]
New Ogawa Seminar Students in September 2021
As of September 2021, five new students joined Ogawa seminar, of which three are master students and two are research students. The new master students are: Ms. Xinyu Ji, from China, graduated from Xihua University in China with a bachelor’s degree in Japanese; Mr. Sun Chang Sun, also from China, graduated from Jinling Institute of […]