CAMPUS Asia Symposium at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand (Xiaoxiao JIA)

CAMPUS Asia Symposium at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand (Xiaoxiao JIA)

On November 19, 2015, I presented my paper in the CAMPUS Asia Symposium held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of the symposium was “Challenges and Prospects on Higher Education Cooperation in East Asia”. This symposium was jointly sponsored by Kobe University, Korea University, Fudan University and Chulalongkorn University, and with the supports […]

Professor Keiichi Ogawa’s Graduate Students Presented in The 16th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) at Seoul National University in Korea

Professor Keiichi Ogawa’s Graduate Students Presented in The 16th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) at Seoul National University in Korea

The 16th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) at Seoul National University in Korea was held at Seoul National University from October 14th to 16th, 2015. The conference that lasted three days had over 500 participants from various institutions, including world class professors, scholars and researchers with, over 160 presentations including; Workshops, Keynote speeches and […]

Prof. Ogawa’s Graduate Students Presented in the 51st JCES Annual Meeting

Prof. Ogawa’s Graduate Students Presented in the 51st JCES Annual Meeting

The 51st Japan Comparative Education Society’s (JCES) Annual Meeting was held at Utsunomiya University in Japan from June 12th to 14th, 2015. Six of Prof. Keiichi Ogawa’s graduate students presented their full papers and received very valuable comments. The following are the students delivered the presentations. Presentation made in English is mentioned as (E), while […]

Prof. Ogawa’s Seminar Students Presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society

Prof. Ogawa’s Seminar Students Presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society

The 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) was held at Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC, from March 8 to 13, 2015. At this year’s CIES conference, six of the graduate students from Prof. Ogawa’s Seminar presented their full papers, and received very valuable comments and advice to help them […]

Ogawa-seminar students presented at The 15th International Conference on Education Research (Leading Creative Minds)

Ogawa-seminar students presented at The 15th International Conference on Education Research (Leading Creative Minds)

The 15th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) was held at the Hoam Convention Center in Seoul National University in Korea, from 15th to 17th October 2014. The theme of the conference was; “Leading Creative Minds: Talent Development and Convergence Education.” Eight Ogawa-seminar students attended this conference, and presented preliminary results of their respective academic […]

The 50th JCES Annual Conference held at Nagoya University in Japan:  Presentations by Prof. Keiichi Ogawa and his Students and Alumni

The 50th JCES Annual Conference held at Nagoya University in Japan: Presentations by Prof. Keiichi Ogawa and his Students and Alumni

The 50th Japan Comparative Education Society’s (JCES) Annual Conference was held at Nagoya University from July 11th to 13th, 2014. Prof. Keiichi Ogawa’s Seminar students actively participate in domestic and international academic conferencesrelated to comparative and international education. During this year’s JCES conference, Prof. Keiichi Ogawa and eleven of his students (two alumni and nine […]

The 14th International Conference on Education Research (Future Education Design for All) was held at Seoul National University

The 14th International Conference on Education Research (Future Education Design for All) was held at Seoul National University

The 14th International Conference on Education Research (ICER) was held at Seoul National University in South Korea from October 16th to the 18th, 2013. More than 130 presentations were delivered in this three-day conference. From Prof. Keiichi Ogawa’s seminar (zemi), Professor Ogawa and seven graduate students, namely Ms. Yukari Goshima, Ms. Xiaoxiao Jia, Ms. Hiroko […]